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10 Snacks Under 200 Calories

Make snack time a success

Kids have big needs and small stomachs. Packing thoughtful school lunches with a variety of snack choices will provide them with a nutritious energy boost between meals! Help kids be their best self to learn and play. Make snack time a success with these 10 snack suggestions*:

Nature Valley™ Lunch Box Chewy Chocolate Chip granola bar (90 calories)

  • ½ whole wheat pita + ¼ cup (60mL) hummus (179 calories)
  • 1 cup (250mL) partly skimmed chocolate milk (166 calories)
  • Medium apple cut into slices + Yoplait® Tubes® (122 calories)
Yoplait® Yop® yogurt drink + 1 cup (250mL) strawberries (190 calories)

  • 2 hardboiled eggs (141 calories)
  • 10 baked tortilla chips + ½ cup (125mL) salsa (101 calories)
  • 10 carrot sticks + 2 tablespoons (30mL) ranch dressing (177 calories)
  • String cheese + 1 cup (250mL) grapes (125 calories)
  • Minions or Frozen Betty Crocker™ Soft Baked Snacks [G5356293] (100 calories)

*Be safe: most schools in Canada are peanut free because 1 in 50 children have a peanut allergy. Ask your school before packing any nut-containing foods in lunches and snacks.

 Peanut Free Quick Pulse Study August 2012

Anaphalxis Canada (2014). Media kit. Retrieved on September 4th, from