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Eating well, between breakfast and dinner

Crunch time: the After-Work Munchies

Looking for tips on how to handle the after-work munchies? Read on for strategies to conquer your next snack attack!

Travel buddies.  Pack some healthier snacks for the commute home to tide you over until dinner’s ready. Try these portable options.

  • Handful of nuts
  • A container of berries or chopped fruit
  • Nature Valley Lunchbox™ bar

Small, but mighty.  Bring along midafternoon snacks that are filling, easy to put together and provide needed nutrients - and keep them near at hand.

  • Vegetable sticks and hummus
  • Lower fat cheese and small pitas or whole grain tortillas
  • Liberte(R) yogurt cup, with a sprinkle of granola

Visibly healthy.  Prepare snacks from the four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide and keep them in plain view. This may help prevent you from turning into the cookie monster when you walk in the kitchen!

  • Washed fruit in a bowl on the counter
  • Chopped veggies in a clear container at eye level in the fridge
  • Healthier snacks, like whole grain bars and cereals, in the front of your pantry (hide treats in the back!)

Fill up on fibre.  Include fibre-rich foods throughout the day that may help you feel full longer.  Here are some fibre-filled options.

  • Fruits and vegetables – any way you like them
  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils etc.) – add them to a wrap or sandwich filling, or puree into a spread
  • Fibre 1 Crunchy Original™ cereal sprinkled in soup, on salad or to add crunch just about anywhere

Mind over matter.  Next time the munchies hit, try to think about the reason behind your hunger to help you decide if it’s the right time for a snack. Sometimes we eat for reasons other than hunger.  

  • Boredom? Consider putting on music or doing something different
  • Stress? Maybe a short walk would do the trick or some stretching and deep breathing
  • Comfort? A warm cup of tea or a quick catch up with a friend might help

Healthy eating is a balancing act. The key to healthy snacking is to be sure a snack is what you need, and then make your snack choices work deliciously hard from a nutrition point of view.